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Malik’s Dargah

মিঠামইন উপজেলার অন্তর্গত ভরা ঘাগরা গ্রামে মালিকের দরগা অবস্থিত।


কিশোরগঞ্জ শহরের একরামপুর রেলগেইট থেকে সিএনজি, অটোরিক্সা দিয়ে বালিখলা বেড়িবাঁধ নেমে  ট্রলার বা নৌকা যোগে মিঠামইন । মিঠামইন থেকে ঘাগরা যেতে হলে অটোরিক্সা বা মোটর সাইকলে যোগে


জেলা প্রশাসন, কিশোরগঞ্জ


The Dargah of Malik is located at Bhara Ghagra village of Mithamoin Upazila. Hazrat Shah Jalal (R.) along with 360 companions came to Sylhet district of Bangladesh for preaching the great message of Islam. He sent his disciples and followers to protect the common people from the persecution of the depressor feudal by sermonizing the message of Islam in the surrounding areas like Lauras, Jainta, Taraf, and Tripura. Among them Hazrat Shah Daria (R.) inhabitant of Kabul Kandahar, Shah Latif (R.) and Akil Shah Mowla (R.) inhabitant of Yemen, sent to the eastern part of greater Mymensingh district were especially remarkable. Of these three preachers, Shah Latif (R.) was the Amir, in another opinion treasurer. The inhabitants there called him ‘Malik Baba’. After that following the death of these three preachers, that place is known as the Malik’s Dargah.