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Shah Sekandar’s (R.) Shrine (Majar)

তাড়াইল উপজেলায় সেকান্দরনগর গ্রামে অবস্থিত


কিশোরগঞ্জ শহরের শহিদী মসজিদের সামনে থেকে সিএনজি, অটোরিক্সা বা রিক্সা যুগে।


জেলা প্রশাসন, কিশোরগঞ্জ


Shah Sekander’s(R.) shrine is located at village Sekandarnagar in  Dhala Union which is 4km away from Tarail Upazila. It is said that Shah Sekandar (R.) came to this place for the preaching of Islam religion in the early phase of 20th century. Many people converted themselves to Muslims by being marvelled at his majesties of character.  One Dewan of Jangalbari became one of his disciples and permitted him to build a house there. This is how the name of the village turned into ‘Sekandarnagar’.